1. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "ALM (ALM)" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: ALM (ALM)High GermanShifted Western RomanceWestern South Slavic
2. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "BERGHANG, STEIL, MIT GERÖLL BEDECKT" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science Keywords: BERGHANG, STEIL, MIT GERÖLL BEDECKT
3. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "BIESTMILCH (MILCH NACH DEM KALBEN)" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: BIESTMILCH (MILCH NACH DEM KALBEN)High GermanShifted Western RomanceWestern South Slavic
4. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "BUTTER (BUTTER)" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: BUTTER (BUTTER)High GermanShifted Western RomanceWestern South Slavic
5. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "BUTTER, BIRNENFÖRMIG" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: BUTTER, BIRNENFÖRMIGShifted Western Romance
6. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "BUTTER, RANZIG" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: BUTTER, RANZIGShifted Western RomanceWestern South Slavic
7. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "BUTTERMILCH (FLÜSSIGKEIT, DIE BEI DER PRODUKTION VON BUTTER ENTSTEHT)" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: BUTTERMILCH (FLÜSSIGKEIT, DIE BEI DER PRODUKTION VON BUTTER ENTSTEHT)High GermanShifted Western RomanceWestern South Slavic
8. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "DEN KÄSE SALZEN" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: DEN KÄSE SALZENHigh GermanShifted Western Romance
9. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "DIE ALM BEZIEHEN" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: DIE ALM BEZIEHENHigh GermanShifted Western Romance
10. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "DIE ALM VERLASSEN" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: DIE ALM VERLASSENHigh GermanShifted Western Romance
11. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "DIE ALM WECHSELN" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: DIE ALM WECHSELNHigh GermanShifted Western Romance
12. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "DIE KÜHE HÜTEN" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: DIE KÜHE HÜTENHigh GermanShifted Western Romance
13. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "DIE MILCH GERINNT" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 and 20/1 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: DIE MILCH GERINNTHigh GermanShifted Western Romance
14. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "DIESE KUH" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 and 20/1 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: DIESE KUHHigh GermanShifted Western Romance
15. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "DREHBUTTERFASS, MODERN, IM FESTSTEHENDEN FASS DREHT SICH EIN RAD MIT SCHAUFELN, WIRD MEIST VON HAND BETRIEBEN, SELTEN VON WASSER ODER VON EINEM IM KREIS LAUFENDEN PFERD" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: DREHBUTTERFASS, MODERN, IM FESTSTEHENDEN FASS DREHT SICH EIN RAD MIT SCHAUFELN, WIRD MEIST VON HAND BETRIEBEN, SELTEN VON WASSER ODER VON EINEM IM KREIS LAUFENDEN PFERDShifted Western Romance
16. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "ENTRAHMEN (ENTFERNEN VON RAHM AUS MILCH)" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: ENTRAHMEN (ENTFERNEN VON RAHM AUS MILCH)High GermanShifted Western RomanceWestern South Slavic
17. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "FELS, STEIL" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 and 20/1 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German Keywords: FELS, STEILHigh German
18. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "GEFÄSS FÜR SCHMALZ, AUS HOLZ" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2, 20/1, and 20/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: GEFÄSS FÜR SCHMALZ, AUS HOLZShifted Western Romance
19. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "GEFÄSS ZUM AUFRAHMEN, AUS HOLZ, NIEDRIG, WEIT" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: GEFÄSS ZUM AUFRAHMEN, AUS HOLZ, NIEDRIG, WEITShifted Western RomanceWestern South Slavic
20. VerbaAlpina instances for the concept "GEFÄSS ZUM MELKEN, AUS HOLZ" Download Creator / Author: Krefeld, ThomasLücke, Stephan Year of Publication: 2021 Version: 19/2 DDC: 410 Linguistics004 Data processing computer science430 Germanic languages German450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic Keywords: GEFÄSS ZUM MELKEN, AUS HOLZHigh GermanShifted Western Romance